
Radeja Portfolio & Vcard Builder is a Portfolio Builder SAAS with Multitenancy.

In just a few minutes, you can create a multiuser profile website with Radeja Portfolio Website Builder .
The company's website supports RTL and is multilingual. You have unrestricted ability to build monthly, annual, and lifetime packages and manage their features. A package can be created that is Free, Trial, Premium, or just Free, Trial, or Premium. Trial products can have trial days set.

Customers can purchase these packages, which include a user dashboard with the ability to generate an infinite number of vCards, CVs, and multilingual portfolio websites. websites for users' portfolios,

Tenant’s Website & Tenant Dashboard Features:

– Custom Domain
– Subdomain & Path Based URL
– Light & Dark Dashboard
– 8 Portfolio Templates
– Appointment Booking for Tenant Website
   —Categories Management
   —Category Enable / Disable system
   —Form Builder for each category
   —General Form Builder (if category is disabled)
   —Day-wise time slots
   —Holidays Management
   —Advance Payment (partial) / Full Payment system
   —Auth / Guest Checkout
– More Themes Coming
– Multilingual Tenant Dashboard & RTL Support
– Multilingual Portfolio Themes & RTL Support
– Advanced QR Builder to generate QR Code for any URL
– Saved QR Codes Management
– 10 vCard Templates
– Multilingual vCards & RTL Support
– 2 CV Templates
– 10 Online Payment Gateways added for Tenant
– Unlimited Offline Gateways for Tenant
– Multilingual CVs & RTL Support
– CV Export to PDF feature
– Registered Customers in Tenant Dashboard
– Customer Panel for Tenant’s Website
   —Google Analytics
   —Facebook Pixel
– Email Templates Added for Tenant – Package Purchase
– Base Color Settings
– Preloader, Logo, Favicon Upload
– SEO Info Management
– Hide / Show Any Page & Home Section
– Portfolios, Blogs, Services, Skills, Achievements etc management
– Followers / Followings

Business Website & Admin Dashboard Features

– Multilingual Website & RTL Support
– Multilingual Admin Dashboard & RTL Support
– Unlimited Pricing Plans (Free / Trial / Premium)
– 10 Online Payment Gateways
– Unlimited offline payment gateways
– Custom Domains Management
– Subdomains Management
– Profiles Listing Page with Advanced Search
– Base Currency Setup
– Drag & Drop Menu Builder in Admin Dashboard
– Light & Dark Admin Dashboard
– Default Language Setup & Translation for Tenant Dashboard & Website
– Secret Login to Tenant Dashboard from Admin
– vCard Limit
– Home Page Sections Hide / Show
– Base Color Settings
– Preloader, Logo, Favicon Upload
– Packages Management
– Package / Pricing Plan Upgrade / Downgrade
– Plugins (Google Recaptcha, Disqus, Tawk.to, Whatsapp Chat Button) – Email Templates
– Payment Logs
– Popup Builder with 7 Predefined Templates
– Push Notification
– SEO Info Management
– Blogs, FAQ etc all website content management
– Custom Pages
– Registered Users Management
– Maintenance mode
– Admin / Role / Permission Management

Admin Workflow:

- Add Languages
- Add Packages with Features
- Setup Payment Gateways
- Upload Language wise contents (FAQ, Blogs etc…)
- Manage Users

User Workflow:

- choose a package (premium / trial / Free)
- register & checkout
- verify email & login to dashboard
- add languages
- setup color, preloader, logo etc…
- upload language wise contents (services, blogs, portfolios etc…)