Our "Website Builder" is a SAAS (Multitenancy) business/ecommerce website builder.
With the website builder, tenants may quickly develop corporate, e-commerce, hotel room booking, charity/donation, portfolio, and company websites.
The front end of the business website supports RTL and is multilingual.
You have unrestricted ability to build monthly, annual, and lifetime packages and manage their features. A package can be created that is Free, Trial, Premium, or just Free, Trial, or Premium. Trial products can have trial days set.
Customers can purchase these packages, which include an infinite number of vCards and a user dashboard for creating multilingual business websites. vCards and user-created company websites are also supported in RTL. Additionally, utilising QR Builder filters, they will be able to create personalised QR codes for any URL using the Advanced QR Builder. Users can display vCards in their custom domain, subdomain ({username}.your_domain_name), or path-based URL (your_domain_name/{username}) in addition to their business website.
Website Builder offers an infinite number of offline and 19 automated payment gateways (PayPal, Stripe, Mollie, Razorpay, PayTm, Instamojo, Flutterwave, Paystack, Mercado Pago, Authorize.net, ToyyibPay, Iyzico, Midtrans, PayTabs, PhonePe, Yoco, myFatoorah, Xendit, Perfect Money) for collecting membership payments.
Additional awesome features like the Drag & Drop Menu Builder and Popup Banner Builder are also available for use.
Tenant Website & User Panel Features:
✅ Custom Domain
✅ Automatic Subdomain & Path Based URL
✅ 12 Tenant Wesbite Themes
✅ Ecommerce Website for Tenant
✅—Categories Management
✅—Subcategories Management
✅—Items Management
✅ —Physical Product
✅ —Digital Product
✅—Orders Management
✅ —Unlimited Vartions of Items
✅ —Stock Management for Items
✅ —Variation-wise stock Management
✅—Flash Sales (Timezone-Wise , will be Setup by Tenant)
✅ —Cart
✅ —Checkout
✅ —Ads, Banner in Ecommerce Theme
✅ —Invoice Generate & Mail
✅ —Product Rating
✅ —Coupon
✅—Shipping Methods with Shipping Charges
✅—Rating Enable / Disable
✅ —Catalog Mode Enable / Disable
✅ —Shop Enable / Disable
✅ Hotel Booking Feature
✅ —Hotel Theme
✅ —Amenities
✅ —Rooms
✅ —Room Bookings
✅ —Booking report
✅ —Added it in Package
✅ —RTL support
✅ Course Selling Feature
✅ —Course Theme
✅ —Instructors
✅ —Categories
✅ —Courses
✅ —Modules
✅ —Lesson
✅ —Lesson Content
✅—Drag & Drop Lesson Content Sorting
✅ —Quiz
✅ —Video
✅ —File
✅ —Code Snippet
✅ —text
✅ —Course Compliance Settings
✅ —Enrolment
✅ —Enrolment Report
✅ —Added it in Package
✅ —RTL support
✅ Dnation Feature
✅—Charity Theme
✅ —Causes
✅ —Donation
✅ —Report
✅ —Anonymous Donation
✅ —Added it in Package
✅—RTL support
✅ Portfolio Website Theme
✅ 19 Payment Gateways
✅ Unlimited Offline Gateways
✅ Tenant’s Customer Dashboard
✅ Customer Management
✅ Unlimited Offline Gateways
✅ Timezone Settings
✅ 10 vCard Templates
✅ Light & Dark Dashboard
✅ Advanced QR Builder to generate QR Code for any URL
✅ Saved QR Codes Management
✅ Package Upgrade / Downgrade from Admin
✅ Registered Users
✅ Secret Login to Customer’s Dashboard
✅ Multilingual vCards & RTL Support
✅ Multilingual Tenant Website Frontend
✅ RTL Supported Tenant Website Frontend
✅ Google analytics , facebook pixel , whastapp chat, Tawk.to , disqus
✅ Package Purchase, Membership extend
✅ Base Color Settings
✅ Custom CSS
✅ Preloader, Logo, Favicon Upload
✅ SEO Info Management
✅ Hide / Show Home Sections
✅ Drag & Drop Menu Builder
✅ Quote Management
✅ Quote Form Builder
✅ Google Adsense
✅ Cookie Alert
✅ Custom Page Management
✅ Portfolios, Blogs, Services, Team Members, Counters, Jobs etc management
✅ Followers / Followings
Main Website & Admin Panel Features
✅ Multilingual Frontend
✅ RTL Supported Frontend
✅ Unlimited Pricing Plans (Free / Trial / Premium) (Monthly / Yearly / Lifetime)
✅ 19 Online Payment Gateways
✅ Unlimited offline payment gateways
✅ Custom Domains Management
✅ Subdomains Management
✅ Business Listing Page with Advanced Search
✅ Base Currency Setup
✅ Drag & Drop Menu Builder in Admin Dashboard
✅ Coupon During Registration
✅ Light & Dark Admin Dashboard
✅ Home Page Sections Hide / Show
✅ Base Color Settings
✅ Preloader, Logo, Favicon Upload
✅ Package Features Management
✅ Packages Management
✅ Admin can add & translate default language for Tenant’s frontend website
✅ Email Templates
✅ Payment Logs
✅ Popup Builder with 7 Predefined Templates
✅ SEO Info Management
✅ Blogs, FAQ etc all website content management
✅ Custom Pages
✅ Registered Users Management
✅ Maintenance mode
✅ Admin / Role / Permission Management
✅ Google Adsense
✅ Secret Login to Tenant Dashboard
Admin Workflow:
✅– Add Languages
✅– Add Packages with Features
✅– Setup Payment Gateways
✅– Upload Language wise contents (FAQ, Blogs etc…)
✅– Manage Users
User Workflow:
✅– choose a package (premium / trial / Free) (monthly / yearly / lifetime)
✅– register & checkout
✅– verify email & login to dashboard
✅– add languages
✅– setup color, preloader, logo etc…
✅– upload language wise contents (services, blogs, portfolios etc…)